Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Nate's Butt Farm!

(aka, "Bate's Nut Farm") We all had a fun time at the Nut Farm on Friday! Aunt Sylvia, Auntie Kristi, Nonny, Jack, Rose, Keegan, Tustin, me..... and all the BEES! That's right, bees! That was probably the one thing that made the trip a bit less than a perfect day. They were everywhere!

We had a great time anyway. Tustin was the only one brave enough to ride a pony. And he LOVED every minute of it. (Rose tried, but cried her way off the horse before the ride started.) Jack was the only one who got to experience the petting zoo. But all four kids really enjoyed the wagon! We had a fun day. See all the entries that follow for more fun photos!

The Brady Bunch at the Nut Farm!

I have a series of numerous photos of trying to get all the kids' faces in the wagon photo-board, trying to get them all to look at the camera and smile. It's hilarious! In every shot, one kid is looking in a totally different direction, heads in, heads out, sometimes smiling, sometimes squinting from the sun. Looking at each other, looking elsewhere. It reminds me of the beginning of the Brady Bunch show, when they are all in their little boxes, looking around.

Pumpkin Patch Fun

We had a great time walking around the huge pumpkin patches. The kids climbed all over the pumpkins.

Siblings. Cousins.


Hay Ride!

We went on a fun, prickly, itchy hay ride through the corn fields. The kids loved it.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Not just for Christmas...

I bought a Halloween Gingerbread House, and the boys and I had a great time decorating it! It's a perfect center piece for our table.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Halloween Spoiler!

We got all dressed up in our costumes and went to Sea World's Spooktacular night, last Sunday. Even Nonny got goofy in her cooky wig! We went trick-or-treating all over the park, went on Oscar's Eel ride, and walked through the Shark exhibit. (Hmmm, wonder if we scared them more than they scared us this time!) A very nice man from Germany begged me to let him take a picture of us for us daughter in Germany-- it was quite fun to be the stars of the show for a while that night! I give Nonny 100% credit, as it was her idea (as usual)!! SO.....ssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhh, as you have seen a pre-view of Halloween night for us!

The END....Ouch that stings!

We went to see Shamu Rocks. We saw a lot of other people dressed up for Halloween. But for some reason, everyone was asking to take pictures of the Bee Keeper and her little Bumble Bees! We were thinking Sea World was open until 9pm, and then we'd watch the fireworks. But, unfortunately, they closed up at 7:30pm, and no fireworks. Keegan was pretty bummed. He really wanted to see the fireworks. Some day!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Pt. Loma Nazerene Fall Festival

Today we went to the fall festival held at the University in Point Loma. They had an urban version of hay rides, a pumpkin patch, jumpy jumpers, and all kinds of fun.

Free Pumpkins

At the fall festival, there was a pumpkin patch, full of mini-pumpkins for all the kids to pick out their own pumpkin. Tustin couldn't keep his hands on the one he picked out, it kept dropping and rolling away from him. And then there's Keegan-- finds the biggest one he could (which I believe was supposed to remain as decoration on the hay stack), and said "you said I could pick any one I wanted!" So, the guy working the pumpkin patch let him keep it!

Batman & Superman-- Jumping?

Fun on the jumpy-jumper! Our sweet little superheros JUMP, not FLY!


Not bad lookin' for three old ladies!! Yes folks, it has been almost 20 years since we graduated from high school. To some of you, we still seem like babies, and to others, we seem so OLD! We sure had a great time at the Mira Mesa High School football game Friday night! Go Marauders-- we won the game! This was the graduating class of 2009, and then the three of us cruised around with '89 on our sleeves! It was a super-fun "girls' night out," but next year, we'll probably all do it again, and bring the hubbies and kids.

Kickin' It at Callahan's

Fitting that this lovely Pub opened up in 1989!! We met at Callahan's for some cocktails and appetizers before the football game.