Saturday, May 24, 2008

Tut Talk!

A little embarrassing this next story is (for me), but something funny that I want to add to Tustin's Blog-book! I took my car in to the dealership a couple of weeks ago. Inside the waiting room, there was a TV on, and about 4 rows of seats facing the TV. All the seats were taken except a couple in the front, where we sat down. Tustin was doing his Tustin thing and gaining the attention of everyone with his little antics. I was speaking to the lady next to me, when Tustin climbed up on my lap, lifted the front of my sweater all the way up, and said "Got boobies in there?" Loud enough for the whole room to hear (and see-- thank goodness they were all sitting behind me!). There was an initial burst of laughter, and then people knew I was a bit embarrassed and they stifled it a bit. It was pretty funny, I must admit!

Tustin has been learning his opposites lately. And when we drive, he says, "We going that way... not that way, but that way," as he's pointing around. We were taking Keegan to preschool this week, and Tustin said, in his new stuttering voice... "Wa wa wa wa wa where we goin'?" I said, "We are taking Keegan to Lil' Tikes Preschool." Tustin said, so confidently, "Not Big Tikes.... Little Tikes!" I think he as at the point where his mind is racing faster than he can get the words out, so he stutters a bit. I remember when Keegan did the same thing. It's pretty cute.

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