Saturday, May 24, 2008


The first little tid-bit, again, while we were driving.... a car came racing up behind me and went around my car, and cut me off and continued to do that to others. I was angry with him, and, as we all do, started talking to the driver, without cursing of course! "Hey buddy, watch it! If you are gonna cut me off, at least put your blinker on and warn me..," or something to that effect. Keegan said, "Are you on the phone mom?" I said "No." He said, "Who are you talking to," and when I explained that I was talking to that car that just passed, Keegan said "Well, you know he can't hear you mom! So why are you talking to him if he can't hear you?" I just had to laugh.

I bought Keegan a little dragon. You push one lever, and the wings go up and down. You push another lever, and the head moves up and down. A while after I bought it, Keegan thanked me for buying it for him. Then he said "I'm very impressed by the way the wings and the head move up and down!" I laughed, and said, "Oh, you're impressed by that are you?" (Thinking, he doesn't know what that means, but he sure used it the right way!) Later that night, he said "Mom, can you make the wings AND the head move by just pressing one lever?" I said "No, honey it doesn't work that way." He quickly said, "Then I'm not so impressed anymore!"

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