Saturday, May 24, 2008


The first little tid-bit, again, while we were driving.... a car came racing up behind me and went around my car, and cut me off and continued to do that to others. I was angry with him, and, as we all do, started talking to the driver, without cursing of course! "Hey buddy, watch it! If you are gonna cut me off, at least put your blinker on and warn me..," or something to that effect. Keegan said, "Are you on the phone mom?" I said "No." He said, "Who are you talking to," and when I explained that I was talking to that car that just passed, Keegan said "Well, you know he can't hear you mom! So why are you talking to him if he can't hear you?" I just had to laugh.

I bought Keegan a little dragon. You push one lever, and the wings go up and down. You push another lever, and the head moves up and down. A while after I bought it, Keegan thanked me for buying it for him. Then he said "I'm very impressed by the way the wings and the head move up and down!" I laughed, and said, "Oh, you're impressed by that are you?" (Thinking, he doesn't know what that means, but he sure used it the right way!) Later that night, he said "Mom, can you make the wings AND the head move by just pressing one lever?" I said "No, honey it doesn't work that way." He quickly said, "Then I'm not so impressed anymore!"

Tut Talk!

A little embarrassing this next story is (for me), but something funny that I want to add to Tustin's Blog-book! I took my car in to the dealership a couple of weeks ago. Inside the waiting room, there was a TV on, and about 4 rows of seats facing the TV. All the seats were taken except a couple in the front, where we sat down. Tustin was doing his Tustin thing and gaining the attention of everyone with his little antics. I was speaking to the lady next to me, when Tustin climbed up on my lap, lifted the front of my sweater all the way up, and said "Got boobies in there?" Loud enough for the whole room to hear (and see-- thank goodness they were all sitting behind me!). There was an initial burst of laughter, and then people knew I was a bit embarrassed and they stifled it a bit. It was pretty funny, I must admit!

Tustin has been learning his opposites lately. And when we drive, he says, "We going that way... not that way, but that way," as he's pointing around. We were taking Keegan to preschool this week, and Tustin said, in his new stuttering voice... "Wa wa wa wa wa where we goin'?" I said, "We are taking Keegan to Lil' Tikes Preschool." Tustin said, so confidently, "Not Big Tikes.... Little Tikes!" I think he as at the point where his mind is racing faster than he can get the words out, so he stutters a bit. I remember when Keegan did the same thing. It's pretty cute.

More Birthday Parties!

Tustin's friend, Josiah, had his 2nd birthday party the week after Tustin's. It was a HOT weekend, so the party was appropriately planned with a water table and squirt guns for the kids to play with!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

The gifts keep on coming...

Tustin got a train table and lots of trains and tracks for his birthday! He LOVES them! And he got a really cool pirate ship with moving parts, pirates, a treasure chest and more! Keegan isn't into the trains, so Tustin gets that whole setup all to himself! But the Pirate ship... now that playtime has to be supervised between the two little fighting pirates!

Mother's Day aboard the Inspiration Hornblower

We had a great mother's day brunch out on San Diego bay. The weather could not have been more beautiful. Benefits of knowing the Captain (the Captain who married us was actually on board that day), we got to "hang out" in the pilot house! Oh ya-- this "face" is Tustin's new smile. Wow, THAT is going to look great next to Keegan's picture-perfect smiles he always gives!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Tustin's Last Present of the Day....

Well, it certainly was a surprise to me when Tustin decided he wasn't going to take a nap today. Keegan and I were in the bathroom, and in walks Tustin (he had been in his crib)~ I said, "Tustin, how did you get here?" He said "I did it! All by myself!" I was shocked, put him back in his crib, and said "Show me how...." He stood up, flung one leg over, flipped the other over, slid down the side, and said: "Like THIS!" So... it's Toddler bed time! And he was SO excited about his "new" bed.

And the Star of the Party?

Lightening McQueen!!! (I'm thinking THIS is the reason that neither of the boys took naps today.)

And Still... More FUN!

More Fun...

We did crafts, bubbles, played with Tustin's new train set, and opened his presents.

Tustin's Birthday Party!

Our little (big) guy turned TWO today!! He had a fun party at a dinosaur-themed park. There were lots of activities for the kids: T-ball, "driving," sliding, climbing, and even hippity-hopping!! Thank you to everyone who came to share the fun. And thank you for the great gifts for Tustin.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

More Birthday Party Photos

I also had the privilege of meeting the newest member of my family at Jack's party: Baby Logan. Such a sweet little guy. (All babies are little after lugging Tustin around!) LOVE the faces on the chocolate feasters, Jack and Mason. I think that's the look I get when I'm about to eat chocolate. And then there's Tustin, who took a little nap at the party, and mean-mommy made him eat real food before digging in to a piece of cake. He eventually did a great job at finishing both!

MORE Family!

I think April of 2008 is a month I will never forget. It was so wonderful to spend some great quality time with family from both coasts this month!

Her First (and much anticipated) Hair Cut

Baby Rose.... Before & After! SHE'S SO ADORABLE!!


With the help of Auntie Sylvia (and a few others who were "in on it"), Heather, Tustin, and Tiffany pulled off a great surprise weekend! My one and only little nephew turned 3 last week, so Mom and I decided to fly up to surprise Jack (and his family) for his 3rd birthday party. And Tutty is free for two more weeks, so we decided to take him along too. Okay, well, Jack didn't know what was going on... but we sure surprised the heck out of Kristi!! Here's Nonny with 3 of her 4 grandbabies; Tustin and Jack doing their boy thing (big trucks); and Jack and Rose, looking cool.

Tribute to Grampy Tibbetts

Here is a picture of Chris and Grammie, who has recently had to say goodbye to the love of her life of about 70 years! As Tustin's sweet little voice said, when saying goodbye to Grammie in Florida, "Grampy in heaven. I miss him." Grampy became ill just a short time before our vacation began. We went to visit him in the hospital, and we all got a chance to say hello (and to say our goodbyes). Once Grammie arrived at the hospital, Grampy was in peace, and passed on. The whole family flew in to town the week we were in Florida, and they had a very nice memorial service for Grampy, who will be missed dearly.

Fun with the Family

Keegan developed a fairly immediate, and fairly large, crush on his cousin Becky. (I think they are first cousins, once removed... or something like that!) Notice his eyes in the picture, which are typically attempting to be the star of all photos-- he's smitten! We were able to get the whole family together for a series of group shots, with this one having the most eyes forward! And we were able to meet the newest member of the clan-- Isaiah, from Georgia. What a cutie. Tiffany and the boys were able to meet many of Chris's family members for the first time, which was very nice.

Disney's All-Star Movie Hotel

We stayed at the All-Star Movie hotel/resort. Each building on the hotel property had a different movie theme. Ours was 101 Dalmatians. It was fun for the kids. There was a HUGE pool, with magical Mickey Mouse shooting water out in streams. You would think these kids have a pool in the back yard-- the way they LOVE swimming! The picture of me in the TV was taken by junior photographer Keegan Tibbetts himself!