Thursday, November 17, 2011

Tustin's Bippies... Where have they gone?

Tustin has slept with taggie blankets (aka "bippie" or "bippies" since "blanket" was a little tough at first) since birth just about (okay, since the time when it was PC "ok" to put something in the crib with him). Initially one. He loved it SO much, figured we should get a back up in case it got "misplaced." Well, he found the back up, and has HAD to sleep with two bippies every night ever since. He's got a car bippie; a bippie at Nana's house; a bippie at Nonny's house, etc... you get the idea... the kid loves his bippies.

Two nights ago-- the bippies got left in the wash. He never even asked for them! The next night, he asked about them, but I said "Oh I think they are in the wash, we'll see if we can find them tomorrow," and he went to bed with minimal ho-humming. Tonight... he said "Mom, it's been almost THREE days, and I can't find my bippies anywhere!" He looked truly sad about the whole situation.

My eyes lit up, as I thought VERY quickly.... "Tustin! They seemed to have mysteriously disappeared the exact same night that Christopher Popinkins started visiting us this year." He's the elf that moves about the house at night, to get different perches for the morning, when the kids go look for him. He reports back to Santa, you know, about everything he sees and hears! I said, "I bet it's a test! I bet he's reporting back to Santa about what a big boy you're becoming!!" He got the biggest smile, and his eyes lit up, and he seemed pretty excited about this idea! We'll see how long it lasts!

Dos puntos for Mama!!

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