Thursday, September 15, 2011

Let's Go to the Hop; Let's Go to the Hop!!

That's exactly what we did!! We went to the Sock Hop at the Yacht Club with Nonny & Pop! Thanks to you both for a wonderful afternoon! It was a fairly last-minute idea that we decided to "dress up" for this shin-dig, but I'd say we did a pretty darn good job with what we had at home to work with! (Yes, I do realize I ended that sentence in a preposition; no comments from the Peanut Gallery please!) Especially for none of the FOUR of us Tibbetts ever having lived in those times. We had a BLAST!! Chris and I were complimented on us being an "adorable couple," and we were also complimented on our "adorable children!" That right there makes it all worth it! Enjoy the pictures ahead.

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