Sunday, September 25, 2011

My Little Keegs....

Keegan's always been a LOUD sleeper-- loud/heavy breathing, snoring, moving around all the time, etc... but it has gotten worse over the last year, so we got him in to see an ENT. He's "text book" as to having sleep apnea, and in kids, the two main causes are tonsils and adenoids. SO... we are going to proceed with a tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy in October! (Oh, I hope mommy can keep it together!) Keegan's friend got this done earlier in the summer, and she had post-surgery complications, that are rare, so all we've heard is her stories about how painful, how her mom couldn't get her to eat or drink anything for a week, etc... Keegan's doc said it will be a piece of cake: he's able to start eating and drinking his regular diet immediately, and he should be up and ready for school in 2 days! Keegan was a bit nervous, but we've been talking about it, which is helping. He likes the "doctor-recommended" foods and drinks: chewing gum and eating gummy bears (decreases muscle spasm and increases saliva, which helps keep the surgical sites clean); ice cream, yogurt, and drinking ANYTHING, including soda.... aye yay yay!! So, we've got it scheduled for October! Keegan and mommy will take a tour of the hospital and OR areas ahead of time, to make him (me) more comfortable, and we'll have to go on a shopping spree for all the bad foods and drinks, and some new books and maybe even a new movie to keep us company while lounging around the house for two days!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Let's Go to the Hop; Let's Go to the Hop!!

That's exactly what we did!! We went to the Sock Hop at the Yacht Club with Nonny & Pop! Thanks to you both for a wonderful afternoon! It was a fairly last-minute idea that we decided to "dress up" for this shin-dig, but I'd say we did a pretty darn good job with what we had at home to work with! (Yes, I do realize I ended that sentence in a preposition; no comments from the Peanut Gallery please!) Especially for none of the FOUR of us Tibbetts ever having lived in those times. We had a BLAST!! Chris and I were complimented on us being an "adorable couple," and we were also complimented on our "adorable children!" That right there makes it all worth it! Enjoy the pictures ahead.


We all had fun trying out the hoola-hoops, but KEEGAN was a finalist in the actual competition! The prize? SOCKS, of course!

Get Your Groove On

The boys took pictures while the rest of us got in line to do the... I don't know what it's called! We learned this "line dance" of sorts, right after we learned the hand jive (in slow motion).

James Dean-- Ringer!

I don't know about you... but I think Keegan is a ringer for a young James Dean. Tustin..... Elvis, not so much! But, he's sure got the dance moves on the dance floor. We enjoyed delicious ice cream sundaes after our lunches.

Goofy, Fun Stuff!

Even the adults had fun posing with the card-board cut-outs!!

Skate Park

More fun at the skate park/ BMX park! Daddy even took his bike this time! (He had a little fall, well, a pretty big fall, but very minor, superficial injuries, Thank Goodness!) His adrenaline got pumping, and he couldn't resist to attempt a few jumps, one of which he completed OFF of his bike, rather than ON his bike! But, he's okay. He got back up, got back on, and kept on going-- Keegan said to him: Daddy, you aren't a real professional unless you get back up after you fall, and keep going! So, he did! I also included a picture of the boys' recent, adorable, haircuts. Keegan was truly beginning to look like a shaggy surfer/skater boy, with tha

t big blond "do!"

Sunday, September 11, 2011

BMX Park

The boys' new weekend favorite activity is going to the BMX park! Falls or not, they have a blast!