Monday, May 30, 2011

Happy Memorial Day

The boys and I had a wonderful time down at the bay today. Lots of memorials set up all over. Walked from my building at Broadway Pier, all the way down to Seaport Village. The kids rode the carousel, and we had a super day together!


Down at the bay today, this guy walked up to us, and complimented the kids on their "cool ride." He looked like a young vet, maybe 27-30-ish, dog tags around his neck. Sort of looked homeless maybe, down on his luck, but just very friendly and nice. Then he put his hand up, said, "Gay man. Not hitting on you. But your hair is gorgeous!" (He's a red-head too.) It was sweet. I put my hand up, said, "Nice woman. Don't care if you're gay or hitting on me, I'll gladly take the compliment!!


It was quite magical down at the bay today! Such a warm and wonderful atmosphere. A lot of vets, military personnel, singers, foreigners telling us how "cool" our wagon is... so many truly "nice" people. We saw a great magic show, and the boys have been taking quarters out of each others' ears all evening! And they were really sweet together today. (Continuing on with our "Random Acts of Kindness" program I started at home. They do sweet things, they get sweet things (treats)! I say, "Isn't it better to be nice, with the chance of getting rewarded for it... than it is to be mean to each other, with the sure bet that you'll get in trouble for it?!!) Let me tell you-- IT'S WORKING!! I don't know how long it will last... and I don't care if they hug each other and say "I love you brudder," only because they think they might get a treat... they are doing it, and I LOVE it!!)

Tree Climbing

They boys love the many-branched trees down at the embarcadero! Especially Keegan, the climber. If he wasn't such a good listener (for the most part), he'd be so high up one of those trees, I'd be worried to death about him falling. But, my anxiety-level-limit is about 10 feet, then I make him stop the incline! Tustin has a little more fear, and stays in the under 6-foot range!

Kite Flying (and the White Lady)

It was a bit windy out today- so we had no problems at all getting our kite up right away. The boys had fun taking turns flying it, as well as jumping up and trying to catch the tail. There were all kinds of vendors, and other money-making gimmicks out there today. For those of you with any Filipino knowledge-- you know the "White Lady" wasn't a good thing, but today, she was quite magical. She looked amazing, and had on this slow, smooth music, and she was gently moving her arms and body around in slow motion, right there with the beautiful bay behind her. It was very interesting to see!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

There Goes Another One!

Tooth No. 2 fell out today. And, again, I was not there for it! The first one fell out with Nana & Papa, and this one fell out when Keegs was with Nonny & Pop. Why do the grandparents get all the fun??!!

Carlsbad Flower Fields

The boys and I took our annual trip to the flower fields again this year! (It was toward the end of April, so I'm posting a little late!) This year it was just the three of us, but we had a wonderful time together, and it was a beautiful day! Kind of nice that I got to be in a few of the photos, as I'm usually the one taking ALL of them... as the boys each had their own camera, and they took about 80% of the pictures that day! (Don't get me wrong, they may be budding photographers, but they aren't perfect yet! There were pictures of the dirt, and peoples' shoes, and the Iron Man backpack I was wearing, heads without bodies, that kind of thing.. but, uh, they all couldn't make the cut, you know?!!)

Gems at the Flower Fields

The boys enjoyed playing at the playground for a while. Then we went panning for rocks-- they sure got some beautiful rocks in those buckets of sand!

Shave Ice

It was so huge, they couldn't even finish it. And quite a bit of it ended up on the table!

Flowers & Cute Faces

Flowers-- More Flowers

Flower Fields Fun

Other than a few pictures of all 3 of us, and pics of the two boys-- the boys took just about every photo! They were VERY responsible in carrying around and taking care of their own cameras. I was quite impressed.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Now You See It-- Now You Don't!

Keegan lost his first tooth this weekend, May 21, 2011!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Tut Talk!

Yesterday, Tustin said: "Mommy, when I want to remember something, I just roll my eyes back in my head, to look at my brain, and then I remember!"

Friday, May 13, 2011

Tutty Turns 5 !!!

Tustin turned 5 on Tuesday this week-- and he has been SO excited. Counting down the months, and weeks, and days! We had his b-day party at Nonny & Pop's house last weekend. (A little Mother's Day celebration at the same time, but shhhhh, don't tell tell Tut that it wasn't ALL about him!) He wanted a Ben 10 party. Nonny decked the halls with Ben 10 balloons, plateware, cups, and napkins, and I had our fabulous "cake lady Rhonda" make the best Ben 10 ever! Tustin got a big "Ultimate Swampfire" as a gift, among MANY gifts for his b-day! And, I don't think there's much else to say that the photos wont show-- it was an All Sports day for the family. So much fun.