Saturday, July 24, 2010

Let the Vacation Begin!

From the minute we got there (to Auntie Kristi & Uncle Kevin's house) the relaxin' began! We were pool side with a cool drink within minutes. We actually had a great drive, and made it from SD to Rocklin in under 9 hours. The boys watched movies, and I listened to music,and it was pretty easy-breezy (the way back home too). We had SO much fun being up there-- just like last year over the 4th of July holiday. It's so great to see the cousins playing and having so much fun together. And, it was great to hang out with my sis, drink a little red in the evenings and catch up on our lives! It was our first time meeting Isabella Moore, so it was also the first time for all 8 of the little ones to be together! Good times. Thank you Derbys for being the hosts with the mosts! Two days ago-- out of the blue-- Tustin said "Mommy, why does Auntie Kristi choose to be so far away from us?" One of those adorable, but sad moments!

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