Sunday, June 6, 2010

Rock 'N Roll!

I did it-- I finished the San Diego Rock n Roll Half Marathon, 2010! It was actually a lot of fun. I ran part of the way with a friend (from junior high), and there were lots of great bands along the route. Chris and the boys were anxiously awaiting my arrival around mile 1-2-ish. So that gave me a nice little extra boost of energy. I've just been having knee problems lately, and I was hoping it wouldn't bother my... but it did. I made it to about mile 7 before it started hurting. By mile 11 it was hurting so badly that I started walking a bit. I walked most of the last two miles, with some running here and there. Kind of sucked that I couldn't run the whole way, but I finished, and I'm proud of my hard work for that! Chris, the boys, and Nonny & Pop were all at the finish line. It was fun, I'm just bummed about my knee!

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