Thursday, June 24, 2010

Welcome to the San Diego County Fair!

Nonny and the fam enjoyed a very special day at the San Diego County Fair last weekend (or as us long-time locals still call it, The Del Mar Fair). Taste the Fun is the theme this year, and we did just that! Fun on rides, playing games, eating greasy fair foods, it was a blast. We loaded up the wagon and away we went!


The boys had so much fun at the fair-- they went on a lot of rides. We even sat down for a spell to watch the piglet races, which was pretty cute!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Rides, Games, and More Rides

The boys went on a lot of rides at the fair. Tustin was VERY excited to be able to go on the Superman ride this year. (The one where they are laying on their tummies and flying around.) Last year he was about an inch too short, and completely devastated when he was told he couldn't ride. Oh, the looks in their faces-- it was just the greatest thing on Earth!

My Brave Boys

These boys will do things that some adults wont even try! They are so brave, and they get so excited. They went on this bungee-trampoline, and BOTH of them did back flips while up at the highest part of their jumps! It was great, they were so excited, and had so much fun!

Fun Times

Every year we enjoy walking through the landscaping display area. Really pretty scenery, and great photo ops! There was even a craft for the boys to do. They got to decorate their own cups to take home. And, as you can see, they were able to take a little R&R break from all the walking, and enjoy time in the wagon as needed.

The Glider Port

After a long day at the fair, we decided to take the coastal route back to Nonny's house in Point Loma. At the North end of La Jolla, we decided to take the boys to the glider port, as we have never taken them there before. We had a lot of fun watching them take off over the cliff, fly around, and come in for a landing!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Keegan's Last Day of School

Tustin and I dropped Keegan off in the morning, then Tut and I had quality time together for a few hours. We went back to school at 11am to participate in the last day of school's Kindergarten Picnic! (I brought Happy Meals for the boys.) We had a lot of fun!

Play time after the picnic

Here is a really cute picture of Keegan and his two teachers. (We just found out that they are no longer going to share a contract as a teach, like they have for the last 8 years. One is staying and will be full time now, and the other is going to a new school to share a contract with another teacher. So, the teacher who is leaving had a very sad (but happy) goodbye from her class mates and the families.) After the picnic, the kids got to play on the playground for a while. And then I signed Keegan out of school, and he was finished with Kindergarten forever!!

Our Graduate!

These are beads and charms that have been "earned" by Keegan throughout his year in kindergarten. This is called his Peace-Builder necklace. They have a Peace Builder Pledge they do every morning after the Pledge of Allegiance. It's pretty fun for the kids. The theory is that by the time they leave school, after 5th grade, their necklace will be completely full with peace builder charms!

Proud of Our Graduate!

Keegan's End of the Year Performance

They had the kindergartners sing SIX song for their performance. That is a long time to keep 5-year-olds busy (and still). Keegan got complete stage fright, looking at all the faces staring at him! Since then, his teacher sent me a really nice email. She said that throughout the weeks of practice, he was always singing the loudest, doing the hand signals the best, and seemed to be really enjoying himself-- and that he did great!! So-- just stage fright I guess. We are still super proud of him!

The boys

Pictures of them sleeping-- just because it's so cute! This night, Keegan completely surrounded himself with his stuffed animals. Keegan had to make a car for school. His class was going to create a drive-in movie with all of their cars, and watch "Cars." Tustin helped him decorate it-- inside and out!!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

My Medal!


Rock 'N Roll!

I did it-- I finished the San Diego Rock n Roll Half Marathon, 2010! It was actually a lot of fun. I ran part of the way with a friend (from junior high), and there were lots of great bands along the route. Chris and the boys were anxiously awaiting my arrival around mile 1-2-ish. So that gave me a nice little extra boost of energy. I've just been having knee problems lately, and I was hoping it wouldn't bother my... but it did. I made it to about mile 7 before it started hurting. By mile 11 it was hurting so badly that I started walking a bit. I walked most of the last two miles, with some running here and there. Kind of sucked that I couldn't run the whole way, but I finished, and I'm proud of my hard work for that! Chris, the boys, and Nonny & Pop were all at the finish line. It was fun, I'm just bummed about my knee!