Sunday, March 28, 2010

Make Way for the Old f"HART"s!!

Okay, so that's what my sign read... the sign I was going to be holding up for Aunt Syl & Aunt Hol at the airport when I went to pick them up. But, with their flight being 2 1/2 hours late... I was in bed, sleeping before they even landed! So, it was all up to mom to pick her sisters up that night! The three Hart sisters, together again! They had fun with Tustin on Friday, while I was working. And then we all got to hang out together on Saturday. We took the trolley to Seaport Village. They boys were cranky on and off, and not exactly on the best behaviour for a lot of the day... but we all managed to have a great time anyway!

More Fun in Seaport Village

Tustin got to ride the carousel (for whatever reason, Keegan didn't have any interest in it at all). But Keegan did hang out on the other side of the windows, and make funny faces at Tustin every time he went around. Tustin was laughing SO hard, he couldn't stop! He kept saying "Keegan is SO silly... he's makin' me laugh!" We wanted through all the shops-- they boys loved the kite store. Walked along the boardwalk, saw all the "street vendors" doing their thing, or selling their things, and had a really great day!

Outdoor Fun

We had a playful morning! T-Ball with the boys, and then a few laps around the block on their bikes. Keegan was able to really ride, not just back and forth on the driveway. We went around the block twice, and I had to run to keep up with him. He's doing so well without training wheels! And Tustin so desperately wants to be off training wheels too.... but he just isn't quite ready yet.

Hotel Del, Here We Come!

We had a nice walk around the Hotel Del Coronado, and then went out on to the deck overlooking the beach, and had a nice lunch. (Expensive, but yummy.) That is ketchup all over Keegan's lips; and thick sunscreen all over Chris's face.... in case you were wondering! It was so nice and beautiful out today!!

Boys Will Be Boys

Chris took the boys down to the beach while we were finishing up our lunch on the deck outside the Del. By the time I got down there... this is what they were doing... playing in the water, fully dressed, having a BLAST!! Yes, it was 80 degrees today. Yes, it was a warm sunny day. But Yes, it is still technically winter... okay, so we are a WEEK into spring. But Yes, the water is still 60 degrees! COLD. They didn't care. They were having WAY too much fun to worry about that! And it was a lot of fun watching them play.

More Fun in the San Diego Sun!

Perfect end to a perfect weekend! :-) The boys played in the cold water; the sisters got some great sister time; and we all got a little sun on our wintry-white bodies! (Okay, so, mine is really the only one that is wintry white!) After Coronado, we had a delicious dinner at Nonny & Pops, and I said goodbye. (Know I was probably going to miss out on girl chatter until the wee hours of the morning!)

Friday, March 26, 2010

Two Wheels!

So exciting-- Keegan learned how to ride his bike this week, without the training wheels! Daddy worked with him for a little bit this weekend, and then, just like he's always been, he wanted to do it ALL BY HIMSELF!! He is now able to turn the wheel, and get started all by himself, without even a push to get going! So exciting! We'll get him out to a park this weekend where he can really have some fun in a bigger area than just our driveway. (He's wearing a batman outfit in a couple of the pictures-- in case you are wondering what strange outfit we've got him in. His choice!)

Puppy Love!

Keegan has his first official girlfriend!! All on his own, yesterday morning, he tore off a piece of butcher paper, drew a flower, cut it out, and wrote To Justine, From Keegan on it. He folded it up and put it in his backpack to give to Justine at school! He came home yesterday, and told me she liked it, and that he was invited to her classroom (they are in separate kindergarten classes) the following day (today, Friday) to join them in her birthday celebration, and have a cupcake with her! I wasn't sure if that was going to happen-- but sure enough, he got home from school and said "Because I'm Justine's boyfriend, I got to go to her classroom today, and have a cupcake with her!" Ah, so cute!


Well, okay, so I think the two that hung upside down to start their cocoons, actually just hung themselves. I guess I couldn't find what they wanted to eat-- and they decided to put themselves out of their misery! We did, however, have two of the other caterpillars make cocoons... or at least start to??? I don't know, I think I'm not cut out for the caterpillar thing, unless I know exactly what they eat!! Now, how to dispose of the... um, uh, "remains" without the kids knowing I killed their caterpillars!!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Not Quite Molly the Barn Owl.....

Not quite Molly the owl, but, it's more exciting for the kids, since it's happening in our front yard, up close and personal! We found 5 caterpillars cruising through our yard yesterday. Unfortunately, none of them were found on anything green... they were just crawling across the bricks, or concrete. So, I have no clue what their host plant is for food. I've tried everything, in hopes of keeping these guys alive. I've googled a bit, and think they may be "common butterflies," but I'm not sure (we have an awful lot of moths around at night....) Around 3pm today, one was on the ceiling of their enclosure, and started hanging upside down; and the other started making this "white stuff" on one of the twigs in the tank. Of course, we are thinking, and hoping, they are starting to do their thing!! Stay tuned for the caterpillar saga as it unfolds for us!

Lighter Later-- Gotta Love It!

Well, it's 6pm, and the boys are both outside (in what you see in the photos) playing, and it is 78 degrees right now. Felt almost a little bit "muggy" today too! It was in the mid-80s earlier. Do I have a couple of posers or what?! They get new shoes and think that's all they need in life! Keegan got his first pair of shoes with laces (figured it's probably past time when he should have learned to tie his own shoes). And Tustin just got a 2nd pair of play shoes. They have been growing out of them so quickly! Both of them wear size 12!

Ourdoor Fun

Keegan had fun playing basketball-- and even made 3 hoops in a row! Chammy always has fun when we are outside with her. She has several toys, and tries to figure out how to bring them all to us at once!

Physics Fair

Our school district (and the Boys & Girls Club) hosted a physics fair for the kids at a local school yesterday morning. I figured I'd take them over and see what was going on. It was pretty fun-- the kids loved it. Alka seltzer and Sprite poppers; balloon races (blowing up balloons, taping them to a straw, on a string, and letting them go with their own air power); pressure bottle rockets-- as you seen in the photos. That was hit of the day for the boys. They got to choose how much water to put in the bottles, and the man pumped 50 lbs of pressure (psi something or other) in to each one, and based on the amount of water in the bottle we had to figure out if it would shoot high or not.