Thursday, September 10, 2009

Tustin is a Fish!

Tustin moved up to the next "grade" in his preschool this week! He is now a Fish, and is no longer a Caterpillar. Keegan was a Fish for a year before starting kindergarten, so Tustin has been familiar with the Fish classroom, playground, and teachers for quite some time now. When Tustin started at his preschool this summer, he started in the Caterpillar class, and I really think he was just tolerating it. He did a lot of crying in the mornings at drop-off time. He never liked the playground out back, where the younger kids played. And the teachers were new to him, but very comforting

So, this week, when he started as a FISH, he was SO EXCITED!!! All weekend long, he kept saying "I'm not a Caterpillar anymore! I'm a Fishy!" And on his first day, Tuesday, every single adult he came across on the way in (teachers and other parents alike), he looked at them, and said with bold confidence: "I'm a Fishy already!!" (Followed closely with "Want to see how fast I can run?") We got there a little early on Tuesday. I gave myself a little lag time before having to be at work, so we could enjoy the pastry and drink buffet they set up. Tustin actually passed up the muffins and juice and said "I'm goin' in now mom! I'm a Fishy!" And he took off toward his class room. He came back out two minutes later and said "Oh, I forgot a hug and a kiss," and after he gave them to me, he said "Okay, bye!" as he ran off again. It's great to have a place they love so much! The teachers say he's very sweet and helpful toward the other kids. (Hmmm, maybe it will last! ??)

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