Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Camping Trip! Or WAS it?

Hmmmm, if you go for one day, and end up leaving the camp site at 9:30 at night... can you still call that "camping?" We went up to Mt. Laguna to a group camp site that some friends had reserved for the weekend. We packed all our camping stuff, and got up there Sat. morning. Set up camp, and headed on on a few hikes. We had a great time investigating everything. We brought Chammy, knew she would love it, but didn't know that another camper in the group had a severe fear of dogs. Well, I think we managed to allow Chammy to enjoy herself, while being respectful of our friend. (I hope.) The four kids had a great time playing together. It was night time that was impossible! We've tried (and failed) once before, and thought we'd try it again. The boys just wont go to sleep in the tent, with our without us in there with them. Too many new experiences, shadows, noises, exhaustion, etc.. Basically the endless whining caused us to pack up at night and leave. I took the boys back up the next day, thinking I'd take them hiking again, but they were still too exhausted and proceeded to cry, about everything, the whole 45 minutes we were packing up the camp site. So, we loaded the car and turned around and headed home! ARGH. But, guess you don't know until you try it, right?!

More Photos of Day 1

Despite all of the mishaps (and there were many), we really did have fun hiking on our first day up there. Tustin got a little tired toward the end of the hikes, but they were both troopers, especially for not having naps that day.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Keegan's Karate

A while back, we thought about karate as an "outlet" for Keegan's energy. But, at every true karate joint around, you have to sign a contract and pay for a YEAR! No can do. We found a class that meets once a week, and you just pay a minimal weekly fee, and you can go, or not go. But, they still have the testing, so that when he meets the requirements for the next belt color, he can earn it. Keegan has gone twice now, and really seems to like it! So far, they've just learned basic stances, punches, and kicks. And, of course, they explain all along that this is not meant for school, siblings, mommys/daddys, etc..... hmmm we'll see how that goes! :-)

Another Day at Disney!

We had two more free days at Disney (thanks again to my cousins!). So, Chris and I decided to go solo (no little ones!). We spent about 3 1/2 hours at Disney, and another 3 1/2 at California Adventure. Went on all the "adult" rides and had a blast!! Thank you to all the grandparents for allowing us to have the day off!

Deck Progress

My mom's deck is moving right along. It's looking pretty darn nice! The far end of the top still needs to be finished, after a new fence goes in over there. And then it's just pretty much the bench and hand rails! Tustin rewards Daddy's hard work with a popsicle.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Tustin is a Fish!

Tustin moved up to the next "grade" in his preschool this week! He is now a Fish, and is no longer a Caterpillar. Keegan was a Fish for a year before starting kindergarten, so Tustin has been familiar with the Fish classroom, playground, and teachers for quite some time now. When Tustin started at his preschool this summer, he started in the Caterpillar class, and I really think he was just tolerating it. He did a lot of crying in the mornings at drop-off time. He never liked the playground out back, where the younger kids played. And the teachers were new to him, but very comforting

So, this week, when he started as a FISH, he was SO EXCITED!!! All weekend long, he kept saying "I'm not a Caterpillar anymore! I'm a Fishy!" And on his first day, Tuesday, every single adult he came across on the way in (teachers and other parents alike), he looked at them, and said with bold confidence: "I'm a Fishy already!!" (Followed closely with "Want to see how fast I can run?") We got there a little early on Tuesday. I gave myself a little lag time before having to be at work, so we could enjoy the pastry and drink buffet they set up. Tustin actually passed up the muffins and juice and said "I'm goin' in now mom! I'm a Fishy!" And he took off toward his class room. He came back out two minutes later and said "Oh, I forgot a hug and a kiss," and after he gave them to me, he said "Okay, bye!" as he ran off again. It's great to have a place they love so much! The teachers say he's very sweet and helpful toward the other kids. (Hmmm, maybe it will last! ??)

Monday, September 7, 2009

California Adventure- here we come!

Gavin and Suzie (my cousins) had extra "park hopper" passes for Disneyland and California Adventure. Chris and I had thought about driving up the following weekend to use them, but we really hadn't planned on using them yesterday, while we were up in Anaheim visiting the Moores at their hotel! They said, we've got a parking pass, you can keep your car in the hotel lot, and free shuttle tickets to the parks, so you wont have to pay for parking or anything.... so, we said, "What the heck!" We had never been to California Adventure before, and I knew it would be less crowded than Disneyland. So, even if we went to check it out, went on a couple of rides, and stayed for a couple hours, what could it hurt? It was FREE!! Well, we had so much fun... we ended up staying until closing at 8pm, when they kicked us out! It was great. The kids did all the kiddie rides, and Chris and I took turns on a couple of adult rides, we Soared over California-- which was AWESOME! (For those of you who have been, you know what I mean!) So, the only thing we spent money on was food and drinks! Could not pass up that opportunity-- thank you so much to Gav and Suzie! (We still have one day left on the cards, that have to be used by next weekend. So.. we are trying to get the grandparents to take the kids for all-day and all-nighters, so Chris and I can go up there and have some fun alone!)

More California Adventure Pictures

We saw the 3D movie, "Bug's Life," which, was a bit loud, dark, and frightening, and both boys ended up crying and wanting to leave early! So, we grabbed them and ran out the side door halfway through the show. (Cut someone's arm off with a light-saber, that's okay, but watch out for the scary, creepy, crawly bugs coming out at you in 3D!! ARGH.) But, they had fun with the 3D glasses in the waiting lobby!

Swimming in Anaheim!

Gavin, Suzie, Mason, and Suzie's mum, Pat, all took a Disney trip this weekend! We figured Anaheim was so close, we'd drive up there to spend some time with them. We got there shortly before 10am on Sunday, and spend a couple of hours at the hotel pool with them. The three boys get along so well together-- wish we lived closer! Mason had his Indiana Jones hat, that the boys were having fun playing with. Then, around noon, they got in their car to make the long drive back to Northern Cali! AND we got the nicest gift ever-- Disney tickets, for FREE! Thank Gav and Suzie-- it was awesome!

Pool Play!

We had a great time swimming. The water felt great, and both boys were swimming, really swimming, without their floaties! They were SO proud. They were jumping off teh side, doing cannon balls, and having a blast.

Happy Birthday Papa!

Nana threw a birthday party for Papa on Sat. night! The boys and I had a fun idea for gifts. We had Chris pick up some quick-set cement, and we made forms out of boxes, poured in the concrete, placed their hand prints, decorated it, and let it set. Then we wrapped them up and gave them to Papa for gifts for their soon-to-be remodeled back yard! The boys had fun covering him with zerberts! (That's their sign of affection!)

Surprise Visit

Kristi called and said she's was coming in to town on Sat. morning, and needed a ride from the airport, and "something to do" for a couple of hours until she was going to her friend's birthday party, to surprise her!! So, while the boys were still at the grandparents' houses, I went to pick her up and we went out for pedicures! Yay! Good, fun sister time. But that was it, had to say good bye to her while she spent the weekend with her friends. That's okay, we had a birthday party to attend-- Papa's birthday!


The weekend is coming to an end, and it sure was packed full of fun stuff! It started on Thursday night, when Keegan's elementary school had "Back to School Night." We got to go to his classroom and listen to a little presentation from his teachers about their teaching styles, what the kids are working on, and things we can do at home to help out their lesson plans. After that was an ice cream social for everyone. Keegan's teachers really seem to love him. They say he's so cute, and they are having so much fun with him in class. He's a great counter, so he's a mentor counter for the kids who can't count as high. He's been "King for the Day," and has gotten a couple of "blue bears" for excellent behavior. They say "He's so polite, saying 'please,' and 'thank you,' and 'excuse me' all the time! (Hmmmm are they REALLY talking about Keegan? I can't only hope so!) :-)

Chris and I had "date night" on Friday night. Keegan was at one grandparent's house, and Tustin at the other. We had a nice dinner out, and came home and relaxed and drank some wine. AND, we got to sleep in the next morning! It was great!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The Things!

Okay, well, these outfits used to fit! (Oh, and the skulls and cross bones were covered up with a big "1" and a big "2.") Let's see, these outfits would have been from Halloween two years ago, and they were quite a bit long in the leg length. I'd say they've grown a little! Oh, we've got to start the creative juices flowing for this year!