Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The Christmas Story

Happy ending to our Christmas Story! A surprise Christmas gift from Nana & Papa-- Chris was able to fly up to Northern CA to spend Christmas with the rest of the family! (It was a difficult flight Christmas Eve, with bad weather everywhere, delaying planes right and left. He arrived at my sister's house at about 1am that night-- well, actually Christmas morning. I told the boys that Santa flew daddy in on his sleigh!) But it was worth it for us all to be together!

We spent the first half of Christmas week with Aunt Syl and Uncle Ted, in Auburn. And from Christmas Eve to when we left on the 27th, we spent at my sister and her family's house in Rocklin. It was a whirlwind of a week, but it was great fun. The boys were SO good on the drive up and back-- thank goodness for portable DVD players! And, we had just about no traffic at all-- not even through LA really.

We got to go hiking (once the rains cleared); shopping; played with the pets; all of the 7 kids got to play together on Christmas Day; eating and more eating. I think the boys had enough sugar to store up for the next year!

And then, back to work for both Chris and me on Monday the 29th. His new job is going well so far. A much slower pace than what he was used to; much cleaner; and an overall nice change for him. I think he's liking it so far.


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