Friday, September 26, 2008

Ever had an EEG?

Keegan has-- and he passed with flying colors! (EEG is short for electroencephalogram-- where they check out your brain waves.) Keegan is one of the unfortunate 5% of children aflicted with night terrors. (If you are thinking, oh, poor kid with nightmares.... do some research. NOT the same. Although I will admit that it is more horrifying for the parents than the kids, because the kids don't remember it.) The first event was so horrible, and seizure-like, and we ended up in the ER, the docs thought it best to go through with the EEG and neurology consult. He just had the consult on Monday, and everything checks out fine neurologically as well. So, now we are reassured that these episodes aren't permanently affecting him in any way. He's such a great kid-- he didn't complain once through the whole testing ordeal. We had to keep him up until midnight the night before, and wake him up at 4am on the day of the test, and keep him awake until his test at 8am. He sat there like a champ when they attached 30 electrodes all over his head, cheeks, chest, etc. He's our trooper!!

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