Friday, September 26, 2008

Crazy Hair Day!

It's Crazy Hair Day at Keegan's preschool. So we spiked it up a bit and sprayed it purple! And, of course, King Tut wouldn't let us leave the house without doing his hair too. (Which I'm sure went over really well after we dropped Keegan off, and had to face all the quietly judgemental people in Starbucks who gawk at a mother who colors her two-year-old's hair purple!) WHO CARES!! It was fun, and great to see all of Keegan's friends at preschool with their blue, green and orange hair too!

Do you know what a Class A license is?

My hubby Chris just got his! He's an official big-rig/18-wheeler driver!! He studied the test manuals for a couple of weeks; he passed the 3 written DMV tests; he took 20 hours of behind-the-wheel instruction; and he passed the DMV driving test this past week!! Now he's exhausted from it all. But, this will allow him to apply for more jobs if he wishes. Not to be a truck driver, but a lot of jobs just require the license, "just in case." Congrats to him!! (His boys are quite impressed. Every time they see a tractor-trailer truck they say "that's what Daddy drives!" It's pretty cute.)

Ever had an EEG?

Keegan has-- and he passed with flying colors! (EEG is short for electroencephalogram-- where they check out your brain waves.) Keegan is one of the unfortunate 5% of children aflicted with night terrors. (If you are thinking, oh, poor kid with nightmares.... do some research. NOT the same. Although I will admit that it is more horrifying for the parents than the kids, because the kids don't remember it.) The first event was so horrible, and seizure-like, and we ended up in the ER, the docs thought it best to go through with the EEG and neurology consult. He just had the consult on Monday, and everything checks out fine neurologically as well. So, now we are reassured that these episodes aren't permanently affecting him in any way. He's such a great kid-- he didn't complain once through the whole testing ordeal. We had to keep him up until midnight the night before, and wake him up at 4am on the day of the test, and keep him awake until his test at 8am. He sat there like a champ when they attached 30 electrodes all over his head, cheeks, chest, etc. He's our trooper!!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Tut Talk!

He surprised us all by going poo-poo on the potty at Nonny's house yesterday! For MONTHS, he's been screaming and crying when we simply ASK him to go pee pee on the potty. But yesterday, he told Nonny he had to poop, and she asked him if he wanted to sit on the potty (not thinking he'd say yes), and he did! Of course, every time I ask him now, he says "I already did!" Kind of like he did it once, just to make us happy, and to stop asking him!

Get Cozy

If you ask Tustin if he wants to "get cozy?" He runs back to his room and gets 3 itmes: his "big bippie," and his two little "bed bippies." He lays down, tucks his two little bippies behind his head, and lays the big one across him. He says "I all cozy now."

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Dear Blogary...

I feel like I have't blogged in a while, so here's a little catch-up blog. Keegan is now two weeks into his new FISH class at his preschool, and he's really lovin' it! He's made lots of new friends, really likes all his new teachers, and he especially loves the playground he's on now for the bigger kids. Tustin is still quite the chatter (very loud chatter I might add). He's in the "what's this?" and "what's that mean?" phase, so it's non-stop sponge mode for him. And, unlike Keegan, Tustin is going to be a fit-thrower! I had to pick him up kicking and screaming when it was time to leave Toys R Us on Friday. "THE TRAINS... I WAN'T TO PLAY WITH THE TRAINS...," he was yelling. He's also quite sensitive as well. If he hits or kicks you, and you "fake" pain to make a point, he immediately starts to cry, thinking that he really hurt you. It's adorable, but so sad to see him cry like that! He just cut his 20th baby tooth (the last, for those of you who don't know).

We've had busy weekends. Birthday parties, dinner with friends, Padre game, off-road truck racing, etc. And we've got busy weeks ahead. Chris has taken, and passed, all of the written exams to get his class A driver's license (big-rigs/tractor trailer), but he's got 20 hours of behind-the-wheel to do this week, in order to take the exam for his license.

Keegan has a sleep-deprived EEG coming up on Wednesday this week. We have to keep him awake until midnight the night before, and wake him up at 4am, and keep him awake until his EEG at 8am that morning. THAT's going to be fun. He's continued to have his sleeping disorder problem since April of this year, so we are just getting him checked out. I'm pretty sure he's got "night terrors," but it's scary for us to see it happening, whatever it is.

I'm working away, enjoying my job as usual. Not much else to say about me. Oh-- except I have started running again-- okay, well, jogging. VERY slow jogging. I started taking this new anti-inflammatory for a shoulder issue, and WHAM, after 6 years of a painful knee problem-- it no longer hurts! I'm loving it! So, I've been trying to squeeze in 3 miles a day (right now it's running about 2 of those, and walking a mile, but it's a start!). Kristi wants me to train with her (well, simultaneously, while she's training in Nor-Cal) to do a half marathon this spring. We'll see.

Okay, I'll have to update with some photos soon! Love ya-all!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Graduation! He's a FISH...

Keegan just graduated from his first preschool class to his second. He was a "Caterpillar," and now he's a "Fish!" We had a little party for him, to make the transition to a new classroom and new teachers a little easier. But, I'm sure he'll do fine. He picked out the cake all by himself-- had to have BLUE! And I topped it with a "fish" candle! (Happy Labor Day!)