Saturday, June 16, 2012

Out of This World- Del Mar Fair

Nope, Not 'Gonna Do It-- still not going to call it the San Diego County Fair. Just because a name changes, doesn't mean what you grew up calling something has to change. It will always be "The Del Mar Fair" to me! (And probably my kids, since that's what we all call it!) The theme this year is Out of This World. We got the kids unlimited ride wrist bands (the ONLY way to do it), and they rode rides for about 5 of the 7 hours we were there. We really didn't do anything else, other than eat! They didn't want to see any animals, shows, exhibits, or anything. So, they rode and rode and rode. Maybe next time, we can do a few other fun things.

More Rides

More Rides

Good Times

We were pretty excited about the lack of crowds on opening weekend! When the kids first started going on rides, sometimes they were the only ones on them!

End of the Fair Tradition

One last stop-- Farrell's for some ice cream at the end of the day!

Kinder Field Trip

Yay-- mommy got to attend the kinder class Zoo trip this year! I went with Keegan two years ago, as was very excited to be able to go with Tustin's class also. We had a blast. Not enought time to get around the zoo, but still had fun. Nice seeing Tustin interact with his class mates, in a showing-off-for-mommy kind of a way. But, even though I usually got to the Zoo to hang with family, to get the kids out for the day, or attend a field trip... I still feel like I'm always there for more photo opportunities! The peacock was putting on a great show for us, and I got some beautiful close-ups, if I don't say so myself! g

Mommy Time

I had to keep up with the boys as they cruise around the lake on their bikes! So, I got my own! (A cheapo Target deal, but I can still keep up, it's got gears!) And then when I return, I've got the hammock waiting for me in the back yard!

Before & After

I think Mommy needs to go into the hair-cutting business (in my spare time)! Tustin wanted it shorter, but still there. Keegan wanted it buzzed off for the summer.

Closing Day! (Thank Goodness it's Over!)

Okay, so Little League was fun this year-- the kids LOVED it! They loved going to practices, they loved going to games. But, to be honest, by the last month of it all, Mommy & Daddy were NOT loving it so much! Two different teams, 3 different practices during the week. Two games on Saturday, and another during the week. And after we moved it wasn't just all that, it was DRIVING BACK TO SPRING VALLEY for all that 4-5 days a week! Rightfully so, all the kids on the entire league get a Closing Day Event party. Food, desserts, jumpers, games, etc... Thank you to ALL of the grandparents who came out at random times to watch, and help out with the kid who was waiting around while the other kid's game was in progress. But a very special THANK YOU to Dan-Pa, whom I believe showed up for every single game! Helped haul things to and from the car, helped keep one kid busy while mom was doing team-mom duties for the other kid, etc. Would have been REALLY hard without ya Dan-Pa, thank you!!

Last T-Ball Game & Trophy Ceremony

Last weekend was Tustin's last T-Ball game. After the game we had a trophy ceremony for the kids. The Little League also gave all the T-Ballers medals, which was a nice surprise. Tustin was definitely the STAR of his team this season, and he's definitely ready to "graduate" from the "T." He can hit a pitched ball pretty darn well.

Little League- Caps Division Comes to an End

Keegan had his last game a couple of weeks ago. We had a ball-signing session (all the kids and coaches signed the balls that would go in the gloves of the trophies), and then one at a time, the coaches said a few words about each kid, as they were presented with their trophy. It was really nice. And, although this "green" team only won ONE game the ENTIRE season... they worked their butts off, and learned a lot this year! (And that one win was an 8-to-1 win at that!) "Team Mom Tif" got her trophy too... the ONLY trophy I've ever earned in my life! And YES, did I "earn" that trophy this season. Team Momming is tough stuff-- for two teams nonetheless!

Phase I- The Start of The Garden

One of Tustin's Birthday presents was a complete gardening kit, from Nonny & Pop. Seeds, cups to start the sprouts, soil, gardening tools, watering container, etc... So, a couple weeks later, we got out there, and got started! They really enjoyed it, and I think they will enjoy it more once those plants start popping through the soil!