Sunday, February 27, 2011

Going Out

I asked the boys to go to Vons yesterday with me (to get them out of daddy's hair for a little while, so he could watch supercross on TV), and they went off on their own to get dressed. This is how they came back-- too cute. Tustin in his little vest! And they NEVER wear hats, but they wore them for the entire trip, for whatever reason. Bazzle got a new outfit too. He's got a habit of suckling on himself when he gets in cozy mode-- kind of self-soothing technique I'm guessing (but it's so loud and obnoxious, we can't let him sleep in our room with us). Taken away from mommy too soon as well. So, this cute little t-shirt seems to do the trick, as he can't suck on himself like he's been doing. AND, it looks so cute on him!


The boys are naturals!! We initially had to sign them up for two different classes due to their ages (3-5 "Gymventures"; and 6-11 "Novice Gymnastics"). However, when Keegan's 9am class came around, the coach said "Wow, why isn't his brother in here too, he's big." She offered to let him try it out (since Tustin's 10am class was mostly 3-year-old tumblers). Turns out-- they both did AWESOME!!! She said Tustin was much more suited for beginner gymnastics rather than the tumbling class. For his age, he was really good. And as for Keegan, she said "I haven't seen a BOY that flexible in a really LONG time! She doesn't think Keegan will stay in the beginner class too long even. They got to do everything: beam, flips on the bars, bridges and back walk-overs on the floor, spring board, jumps on the tramp, etc... Keegan had a smile PLASTERED on his face for the entire hour. Tustin loved it too-- but I think this may really by Keegan's sport!


Yes, it seems that our forced relationship between Bazzle and Chammy has proven to be a super-great success!! We find them plying together all the time, and on occasion, cuddling up and taking a little warm snooze together! It's so cute! Bazzle thinks he's the boss of Chammy, and sweet Chammy that she is, she just lets him think that!

Friday, February 25, 2011

More Artwork from Keegan

Yesterday's theme was "Underwater Creatures." Keegan brought home some more beautiful creations! SO proud of him. Kid's got skills! (The one you may not be able to easily identify is "the seahorse with all the babies in his tummy," as Keegan explains it.)

Monday, February 21, 2011

Keegan's Art Work

Keegan took an after-school art class in kindergarten. Once a week, for 6 weeks. He seemed to enjoy it. He expressed an interest in taking the class again in first grade, so we signed him up again. He has recently requested to take the Wednesday art class AND the Thursday art class as well. So, he's just finished up one session, which overlapped with another, and here are some of the themes he's been working on. Big Cats and Sunflowers. He may take after his Nonny if he keeps up with his art!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

San Diego Supercross 20011

We braved the weather and headed out to Daddy's favorite event of the year-- Supercross! We saw a pretty rainbow as a result of the weather, but over all, we stayed pretty dry. We got some glimpses of the "best of the best" riders: Chad Reed and James Bubba Stewart! The track was a wet mess though! It was a tough night for the riders, but my favorite-- Chad Reed-- pulled off the win!

Fun in the Pits!

The boys had a lot of fun walking around the pits before Supercross yesterday. They got to sit on dirt bikes, play video games at some of the booths, sit in cool, off-road vehicles, and check out the RC car races. We got pretty lucky walking around out there all afternoon, a few sprinkles here and there, but we were prepared! Daddy braved the rain throughout the night, as the Supercross races themselves went from 7pm to 10:30pm. (Thank goodness his seat was under the overhang and the Q, so he was able to stay dry. But it was cold out there.) The boys and I bailed out early, and moved on to dryer pastures as the early evening set in! The kids had a blast.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Permanent Teeth Time for Keegan

Although Keegan has not lost any of his baby teeth, he has permanent teeth growing in already! He's quite excited about his "adult" teeth. His upper, rear, molars are actually growing right in, behind his baby molars. But the front, top and bottom, choppers are all still in place and not even wiggly! Hmmmm, should the tooth fairy give him something special for those molars coming in? It's like he's getting ripped off-- new teeth, but nothing from the tooth fairy!

The Zoo's Safari Park

That is the true, new, name for the Wild Animal Park. No matter the name, we had a wonderful time last weekend. It was family day (Super Bowl Sunday), and we spent all day together at the Wild Animal Park. Walking, climbing, feeding (animals and ourselves), seeing shows, and just having a wonderful time. It was probably about 80 degrees out there.

The Animals!

Yes, I had to lump the wrestling boys into this "animal" category! :-)
We saw all kinds of animals: monkeys hanging around; Crown Cranes-- they actually have a lot of them at the Wild Animal Park; the big male lion was being lazy on his jeep, and posing for pictures for the people. Tustin is finally at a point where he no longer complains about being too tired, or "I can't walk anymore," or what ever the deal is. We walked, and walked, and walked, for about 6 hours straight!

Lorakeet Landing

I think the boys had the most fun here (well, a close tie with the water play area). But let me tell you, it's the biggest money-making racket in town! It is $3.00 for ONE ounce of Lorakeet nectar!!! Insane. But yes, we pay, so yes, they keep on charging higher prices every year. The Lorakeets see you walk in with that little cup, and instantly cling to you for a drink. They were landing on the boys' heads, shoulders, arms, etc.... it was fun.

Water Play

Last weekend was beautiful!! (Much like this weekend.) They had this great little water play area at the Wild Animal Park, which, I'm sure the boys have probably been to before with Grandparents, but Chris and I hadn't seen this part of the park before. It was warm and sunny, and we came prepared with swim trunks and towels.