Saturday, December 31, 2011

Tabernacle Christmas-- The Balls!

Nope, not Christmas Balls-- water balls! This was, by far, the HIT of our day at Tabernacle Christmas, Liberty Station. Papa thought it would be a riot to pay for the kids to try out these balls, where you get inside, and they fill them up with air (8 hours worth, to be exact), and you get pushed on to the water, and you try to move about. And Papa was right! It was a RIOT. We were laughing so hard, watching the boys, and Daddy, try to navigate across the water-- trying to stay on their feet-- which was close to impossible! There were all sorts of vendors, activities for the kids, food carts, etc... it was a fun day.

More Balls

This was SO hilarious to watch-- I'll have to see if I can download some of my video clips on to my blog. We were laughing hysterically at the three of them in there!

Fun for the Whole Family!

The First Annual Tabernacle Christmas at Liberty Station was pretty quiet (the vendors said the 3-day gala was pretty much a bomb, unfortunately). We had a good time BECAUSE it wasn't crowded, but I'm guessing there won't be a 2nd Annual BECAUSE it wasn't crowded! They had a little "snow hill" for the kids as well-- but it was more like a hard ice mound, that didn't feel so good when you wiped out! (What do you expect in So-Cal?!)

Winter in San Diego

The boys were able to snowboard (kind of like a mechanical bull, but a mechanical snowboard, which someone was controlling) and we got to see Santa's

reindeer as well!

More Fun


had a blow-up obstacle course for the boys to navigate! Keegan was so fast, I couldn't even snap a picture of him. They also had a stage, where various musicians did their thing.

Bird Houses

The final activity in which we participated, at Tabernacle, was creating bird houses. The boys got to start from scratch, and paint, glue, stick, sprinkle, or decorate their own bird house however they wanted. They did a great job, and were VERY focused in the process!

Corvette Diner

After our day at Tabernacle Christmas, we headed over to Corvette Diner to share a milkshake. Corvette Diner is now conveniently located at Liberty Station, so it was a perfect way to finish off our day!

Work Party

My firm had it's annual Holiday Party a couple of weeks ago. It was a theme this year: Old Hollywood! With a little help from my mom, I dressed the part! It was a lot of fun. She said "Don't forget the bright red lipstick; your grandma never went ANYWHERE without her red lipstick!"

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas!

We know Christmas is coming when we pull out the gingerbread house to work on! They boys always have so much fun working on it, it's become an annual tradition. Here's our cute little tree as well. AND, our view from

our front porch (of "Dictionary Hill") was beautifully lit up by the glowing sun one afternoon!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Ya Ya Sisterhood Weekend!

Mom and I flew up North for our FIRST, and hopefully not our last, Ya Ya Sisterhood weekend! It was just all us gals in the family, hanging out, and having fun! It was a short weekend, but packed full of fun and good times! I love you all-- my Ya Ya Sisters!!

Too Much Fun!

The best part of our Ya-Ya trip.... girls' night out! We drank, sang, might have even danced! Good food, good company, good fun!

Ya Ya's say "Yeah Yeah!!"