Saturday, May 29, 2010

Our Goofy Little 4 Year Old!

Couldn't resist posting these! He's too cute!

Trolley Ride to PetCo Park!!

Go Padres! We parked at my building downtown, and took the trolley to the Padre game. The boys think that riding the trolley is pretty darn cool! We had a lot of fun hanging out at the Park at the Park before we went to our seats.

Padre Fun

We had a lot of fun at the game with the boys. GREAT seats (thanks to Papa's very generous neighbor), and the boys were even "in to" the game for a while. Tustin a little more than Keegan, but they hung in there for about 3 innings, and after a couple more innings of restlessness, we went back to play at the Park in the Park! They had a blast tumbling down the grassy hillside, and Chris and I could watch the game at the same time!

Happy 4th Birthday Tustin!

Our little Tutty turned FOUR this month! We had a fun party and invited family and all of his friends from school. Quite a few showed up with their families, it was great. Tustin wanted to have a "dirt bike" party, so I invited everyone to bring their bikes and scooters to go along with our theme. We had a great turnout of bikes and scooters-- it was fun. Daddy even led the crew on an organized bike ride!

Liberty Station

We had Tustin's party at Liberty Station this year. We had to get there early to get a spot for the party, and it was pretty crowded, but we had fun. The kids played at the park, rode their bikes all over, and I got to hang with some of my high school buddies!! (If it weren't four all of our kids' parties about 4 times a year, we probably wouldn't see each other much!)

Cake & Presents

Of course, the best part of the party! The kids were pretty excited at cake time, which I thought was the kids' favorite part. But-- when it came time to open presents, they were SO excited. They all wanted a piece of the action! Tustin made out like a bandit... it was an Iron Man theme! It was a great party!

So Excited!!

Daddy took a trip back east to visit his Dad, Grammie, Aunt, Uncle, cousins, etc... but we weren't home alone! We had a wonderful visit with Auntie Kristi and Baby Rose! The boys were SO excited that they were coming. Their first night with us happened to be Keegan's Open House at his school. So, we all went to that as a great big fun family!

Bring On the Family!

We were out in full force to support Keegan at his Open House! Dan-Pa, Grammie, Nonny, Pop, Nana, Papa, Auntie Kristi, Baby Rose (hmmmm, when do I really have to stop calling her "Baby" Rose? Hopefully never!), Tustin, Daddy & Mommy!! We all showed up to support Keegan. We got to see his barn animal project, and what he wrote about it, and all the other kids' animal projects. We spent time in his classroom, speaking with his teachers, and we also got a chance to see the first grade classrooms, to get a glimpse of next year's adventures.

Keegan's Friend

The whole family got to meet Keegan's friend, Justine. She is in a different kinder class, but they have been friends since day one.


Keegan's class behavior works on a Bear system. Green: doing things right. Blue: over and above, great behavior. Purple: Super fantastic, excellent behavior. Yellow: warning, not so great. Red: call home, the kid is in trouble!! Keegan started off the year with Green Bears, and a yellow once a week, or once every other week. But, in the last couple of months, it has been Green Bears, with a blue once a week or every other week. Last couple of weeks, he's even been getting Purple Bears every now and then! Keegan and his friend Justine are sitting in the "teacher's chair," which seems to be pretty exciting for them!

Good Times

On Friday when the Derbys (the Derby Girls) were down, Keegan was in school (I decided to be a good Mommy and not pull Keegan out of school for the day- he's got a perfect attendance so far... wait, does this make me a bad Mommy, that we all went and had fun without him?... tangent...) we went out for a nice lunch and then went to Inflatable World! The kids jumped and slid to their hearts' content!

Inflatable World

More Inflatable World photos. We took the kids out to YoYo's too-- Fro Yo!